- Horikiri
Chuo Shotengai Shinsei Combination - Horikiri
Ichibangai Shop Association - Horikiri
Clover Shopping Association - Horikiri
Luckydori Shopping Street - Horikiri
-Shobuendori Business Association

Trouble with medicine! MizuhO Pharmacy is here to help! Please feel free to contact us!
Easy to enter, easy to listen to, and easy to consult, please consult with us about any problems you may have. Experienced pharmacists and medical staff living in the local area will give you a custom-made consultation tailored to your individual needs. You don't need a prescription. Please feel free to visit us.
- ジャンル
- nee_03
- 店名
- MizuhoPharmacy
- 住所
- 〒125-0156 3-41-4 Aoto
- 営業時間
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00-19:00 Thursday 9:00-17:00 Saturday 9:00-13:00
- 定休日
- Sunday, Holiday